MediaWiki:Gadget-Easy LST.js
Зовнішній вигляд
Увага: Після публікування слід очистити кеш браузера, щоб побачити зміни.
- Firefox / Safari: тримайте Shift, коли натискаєте Оновити, або натисніть Ctrl-F5 чи Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-R на Apple Mac)
- Google Chrome: натисніть Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R на Apple Mac)
- Edge: тримайте Ctrl, коли натискаєте Оновити, або натисніть Ctrl-F5.
* Easy Labelled Section Transclusion Syntax
* Configurations:
* enabled: Set to false to disable this gadget on the current page
* Configure it like this, from your main JS:
* {
* var easySectSyntaxConfig = {
* enabled: true,
* };
* mw.hook("easy_section_syntax.config").fire(easySectSyntaxConfig);
* }
"use strict";
// IIFE used when including as a user script (to allow debug or config)
// Default gadget use will get an IIFE wrapper as well
(function($, mw) {
var gadget_name = "easy_section_syntax";
var EasySS = {
enabled: true,
debug: true,
configured: false,
function log(msg) {
if (EasySS.debug) {
console.log(gadget_name + ": ", msg);
function error(msg) {
console.error(gadget_name + ": ", msg);
* Read config from user. This function fired by hook
function apply_config(cfg) {
console.log("Configuring " + gadget_name);
// Bail if the config looks like junk
if (!cfg || typeof cfg !== "object") {
console.error("Invalid " + gadget_name + " config", cfg);
if (typeof cfg.enabled === "boolean") {
EasySS.enabled = cfg.enabled;
if (typeof cfg.debug === "boolean") {
EasySS.debug = cfg.debug;
EasySS.configured = true;
* Convert ## syntax to <section> syntax
function restore_lst() {
log("Restoring section markers from ##-syntax");
var editbox = $("#wpTextbox1");
if (!editbox) {
error("Couldn't find editbox");
var search = /##[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*##[\s]*\n/;
var a = editbox.textSelection('getContents').split(search);
var s = a[0];
var m = parseInt(a.length / 2);
for (var i = 0; i < m; i++) {
var title = a[i * 2 + 1];
// Ensure we'll don't get twice quote.
title = title.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");
title = title.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, "$1");
var content = a[i * 2 + 2];
if (title && content.substring(0, 2) == "{|") {
content = "\n" + content;
if (title) {
s = s + "<section begin=\"" + title + "\" />" +
content +
"<section end=\"" + title + "\" />\n";
} else {
s = s + content;
/* if( i < m-1 ) s = s + "----\n"; */
editbox.textSelection('setContents', s);
* easy lst: hide section markers
function easy_section_syntax() {
log("Converting section markers to ##-syntax");
var editbox = $("#wpTextbox1");
if (!editbox) {
error("Couldn't find editbox");
var search = /<section\sbegin=[\s]*(.*?)[\s]*\/>/;
var a = editbox.textSelection('getContents').split(search);
var s = a[0];
var ok = true;
for (var i = 0; i < parseInt(a.length / 2); i++) {
var title = a[i * 2 + 1];
var content = a[i * 2 + 2];
var r2 = /^([\s\S]*?)<section\send=(.*?)\/>(\n|)[\s]*([\s\S]*?)$/;
var m2 = content.match(r2);
if (m2) {
title = title.replace(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1");
title = title.replace(/^'(.*)'$/, "$1");
if (s && s.charAt(s.length - 1) != "\n" &&
s.charAt(s.length - 1) != "|") {
s = s + "\n";
s = s + "## " + title + " ##\n" + m2[1];
if (m2[4]) {
if (m2[4] != "----\n") {
if (s && s.charAt(s.length - 1) != "\n") {
s = s + "\n";
s = s + "####\n" + m2[4];
} else {
ok = false;
error("Error" + title);
if (ok) {
// val() function is important, as just setting .value on a raw
// element doesn't work in CodeMirror
editbox.textSelection('setContents', s);
* Run setup, and convert to ## syntax for LST
function on_load() {
// Install the on-save hook on all edit buttons
* Install a load hook in the editor
* @param {Function} callback: function to call when editor text is loaded
function install_load_hook(callback) {
if ($.inArray(mw.config.get("wgAction"), ["edit", "submit"]) !== -1) {
mw.loader.using("", function() {
// mimic code in the extension, there is a conditionnal deps on ext.wikiEditor.
if (mw.user.options.get("usebetatoolbar") &&
$.inArray("ext.wikiEditor", mw.loader.getModuleNames()) > -1) {
var load_deps = ["ext.wikiEditor"];
if (mw.user.options.get("codemirror-syntax-highlight") == 1) {
mw.loader.using(load_deps, function() {
} else {
function easy_sect_syn_setup() {
// Get user config, if any
mw.hook(gadget_name + ".config").add(apply_config);
// LST only in Page NS and if user has it enabled
if (!EasySS.enabled || mw.config.get("wgCanonicalNamespace") !== "Сторінка") {
}(jQuery, mediaWiki));